3D Smile Design

The question we face every day in our dental practice is: “What exactly will my teeth look like when the treatment is over?” So far, we have only been able to show pictures of other patients’ sets of teeth, this is enough for many patients, but no two cases are alike, and these pictures can only give the patient a rough picture of what to expect. We present Hollywood Smile as the first and only one in Alanya with 3D SMILE DESIGN technology.

Digital Smile Design is a completely new way to plan and implement dental treatment. Important for the final result of the procedure is to enable the patient to make a decision and solve his dilemma.

Digital Smile Design provides the patient with the opportunity to show 2D and 3D images of the jaw and then show the patient how the teeth will look in each of the treatment options offered. In addition, during the procedure itself, the patient can visualize what is being October done at that moment and why, so that he is better informed.


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